If Jesus had said

by Stephen M. Golden

Copyright © 1987


If Jesus had said he’s the son of God, what would we think? Would we believe?

Well, Jesus has said He’s the son of God.  What is our answer to Him?

What is our answer to Him?


If Jesus had said that we’re all in sin, what would we think? Would we believe?

Well, Jesus has said that we’re all in sin.   What is our answer to Him?

What is our answer to Him?



How does He feel when we walk away?  We say we love Him, but we don’t obey.

Our purpose in life should be to do His will, but we let our will get in the way.

we let our will get in the way.



If Jesus had said we must all repent, what would we think?  Would we believe?

Well, Jesus has said we must all repent.  What is our answer to Him?

What is our answer to Him?


If Jesus had said we must follow Him, what would we think?  Would we believe?

Well, Jesus has said we must follow Him.  What is our answer to Him?

What is our answer to Him?



How does He feel when we walk away?  We say we love Him, but we don’t obey.

Our purpose in life should be to do His will, but we let our will get in the way.

we let our will get in the way.



If Jesus had said he’s the way to God, what would we think?  Would we believe?

Well, Jesus has said He’s the only way.  What is our answer to Him?

What is our answer to Him?


If Jesus had said we’re to be baptized, what would we think?  Would we believe?

Well, Jesus has said we’re to be baptized.  What is our answer to Him?

What is our answer to Him?


If Jesus had said we must give our lives, what would we think?  Would we believe?

Well, Jesus has said we must give our lives.  What is our answer to Him?

What is our answer to Him?


If Jesus told us to be holy ones, How would we live?  Would our Lord be pleased?

Well, Jesus told us to be holy ones.  What is our answer to Him?

What is our answer to Him?



How does He feel when we walk away?  We say we love Him, but we don’t obey.

Our purpose in life should be to do His will, but we let our will get in the way.

we let our will get in the way.


We let our will get in the way.

We let our will get in the way.