Supra-Intellectual Faith
The “Supra-Intellectual Faith”
presentation is a broad overview of the
issue, touching on various areas of scientific inquiry, revealing that Science agrees with
the Bible. “...[A]ccepting the Bible as God’s Word frees [you] from the
vagaries of human opinion, lifting [you] far above the limits of time, space, and culture and
giving [you] a rock-solid foundation and eternal perspective.”
—Henry Morris III, After Eden, p.192
Supra-Intellectual Faith -Part 1
Supra-Intellectual Faith -Part 2
Supra-Intellectual Faith -Part 3
This is a presentation compiled from some of my various research efforts. I have distilled and formatted
what may have been hours of information into a simpler more compact format for you to digest. You may wish
to investigate further if you have time.
Feel free to contact me at my information listed below.